REGISTER HERE This panel of decorated physician scientists have brought about a dozen of drugs to the market and have collectively accumulated 70 years of industry drug development experience. The approved drugs (e.g., YEROVY, KEYTRUDA, ZEJULA, JEMPERLI, BLENREP, TZIELD, TREMFYA, ORENCIA, NULOJIX, FASENRA etc) span from immuno-oncology, precision-oncology, ADC, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, dermatology, to COVID, during their executive roles at Merck, JNJ, AstraZeneca, BMS, GSK, Sanofi, and a number of biotechs. Many of the biotechs were founded our panelists and later acquired by biopharmas. This is the ideal panel to share the “Checklists”, or best practice, behind this stellar [...]